Sunday 5 January 2014

How to make Cydia run in the background and not restart

Returning to Cydia
If you're like me that is always using the app switcher to go to Cydia, to safari and back and fourth to install tweaks, you will love this.
Cydia usually restarts upon returning to it. This fix will keep Cydia running in the background, but beware, ads in the background will kill your battery so when you are not using Cydia I advise you to remove it from the multitask.

First things first on any tutorial, launch Cydia and install iFile.

Once you have installed iFile you will have to launch it and head over to /var/stash/applications.xxxxx/

Once you are there, locate info.plist

Once you are in the .plist, you will have to scroll down until you find 

Change info.plist
Change the "true" value to "false" as depicted in the photo above. Remember that it is case-sensitive. Now click save on the top right, and exit iFile.

Test it out. Launch Cydia and go to a package. Exit Cydia and relaunch it. 
Cydia will not restart anymore unless you remove it from the multitasking tray. 

What do you think, tell us in the comments section down below.


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