Monday, 3 February 2014

GuestMode: Allow others to use your phone freely

By now if you have been on twitter and reddit, if you follow the right people and the jailbreak subreddit, you may already know what the new tweak 'GuestMode' is. 

Developed by @ianb821, this tweak allows you to have a "guest mode" on your device. You must set a password, or you can use an activator action to enable and disable GuestMode. 

At the bottom left, you can also place it at the right, is the GuestMode button. When you slide to unlock and it asks for your passcode, just click on 'Guest' and it'll unlock your device, but also with limited features that are set up in settings. 

You can enable and disable the features above, when turned off the guests are not allowed to access them. 

If you go to the 'Enabled Apps' section you can choose what apps the guests can use, and yes you must choose what they can use, so you must click on each app that is allowed in guest mode. 

As you can see I have some important apps disabled so the guest can not access it at all. 

This is an amazing tweak, for what it's worth, it will be available for $.99, it's well worth the money. 

As always leave us some comments below, as make sure you follow the dev @ianb821! 

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